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Today's Trade & News

Gold, Crypto bullish era is pending and markets are ready to make new aware of shorts...

Dear Members,

Don’t play short games on the advice of people in precious metals, markets, certain stocks, and commodities as an extreme wave is expected in December as predicted in our 2023 Financial Predictions. You can click the link below to see what we mentioned in the final cycle for metals and how aggressively they could move. I am not able to put our market predictions which are mentioned in our book, but our view is extremely bullish, so be aware. The Russell 2000 and mid-cap stocks (industrial and tech) can move sharply higher.

Our predictions of a big rally in the market from the 30th of October 2023 proved so accurate that a few members wrote me that they never believed the market could rally 10% in November as per our predictions, which happened. All our last 23 years' market predictions are on our website or in the Weekly and Daily Letters.

Oil is falling as predicted, and still astro cycle is not showing any positiveness so be aware. Gold is in the extreme bullish cycle as predicted but mega rallies in gold and silver are still pending which may take place in the coming few years as predicted, silver will test $75 and gold minimum $3000. Gold is ready to beat crypto, but crypto is also ready to fight strongly as an asset class or an investment instrument from 2025. The extreme wave in Bitcoin can start in two years, which can take it to a $250,000 price tag.

Our “2024 Financial Predictions” book has monthly cycles for the market, each commodity, currency, bond, and crypto, and is almost ready. It will be launched on the 5th of January 2024. Get ready to read and plan each month's trades carefully. This will be my 18th book and I am very excited to release it as it is always a lot of excitement for me to release what is hidden in each month of 2024.

December sections from the book:

Market 10% rally predictions:

Read this week's weekly newsletter and Monday's report carefully before you make any trading decisions in gold, market, oil, currencies, soft commodities, grains, and bonds. Become a part of an elite subscriber, each penny you spend on weekly letters or daily reports are worth 10 to 100% times, even a small single trade will recover you cost of the letter in a day so please don’t look for free information. I recommend you to subscribe our service but I leave that decision to you.

Thank you,


Mahendra Sharma