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Personal Clients

Personal Clients

Availablility of this service is limited. So pls confirm via email or phone before ordering!

By becoming a personal client of Mahendra Sharma, you receive one of the following services of your choice for the subscription period.

  • Weekly Newsletter
  • Daily Flash News
  • Stock Investment Report
  • Monthly Uranium & Alternative Energy Outlook
  • You can personally communicate once in a day with Mr. Sharma regarding your trade and investment.

Note: Before you subscribe to this service please contact Mr. Mahendra Sharma via email or phone, as he takes limited personal clients. Once he approves to take you as a personal client then you can subscribe to this services.

Available Options

Please read our disclaimer before you order our services

Subscription Options

$9,995.00 USD
$111,108.00 USD

Make wave of nature/astro cycle an integral part of your trading & Investment strategies!