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Today's Trade & News

Coronavirus (COVID-19), so let’s see if the human race and financial market survives or not..

It is time for me to give answers on Coronavirus, so let’s see if the human race and financial market survive:

Today it is not important how accurate I was between the years 1982 to 2000 in predicting most of the important world events, because right now thousands of people need answers from me about what is happening with the world, whether we or our financial market survives or not.  

Most of you are aware that stopped predicting world events after 9/11.  Deaths, pain, sorrow, and sadness changed me, and I decided that I didn’t want to take part in any prediction where there were killings, death, and sorrow. it was an emotional decision and I made it.

I wish at least I continued looking into these kinds of events for myself then surely I could be able to at least identify pandemic events like the coronavirus, and I could have warned people and I might have been able to save the lives of many. Nature provided me with the ability to see and sense the future, so I should always keep that door open. Today I decided that I will look into every area (not only the financial market) and if I see something negative then I will release it and I will warn the world.

Since yesterday I have been doing a study and my final predictions on Coronavirus:  

Today I would just like to talk about astrology as because of the subject of Astro subject I am among you, it is my responsibility to give you a clear picture about what the planets are doing, and what the future holds for the market and the human race.

The Coronavirus cloud has started dominating every aspect of life globally and every area of the financial markets. Here are a few important astrological combinations and Predictions:

1.     Any bacterial and viral disease is born from the South Node. Currently, Mars, Jupiter, and the South Node are together, but Mars will leave Sagittarius on the 22nd of March. Jupiter and Mars are the enemy of the South Node. Mars controls our immune system and Jupiter keeps our health in good shape. South Node is very powerful in the house of Sagittarius which is controlled by Jupiter. When Jupiter entered this house on the 4th of November it started taking control, but as soon as the South Node resisted it created huge damage by creating disease when the Sun entered Sagittarius on 15 December 2019 and stayed with the South Node and Jupiter until 15 January 2020.  This gave birth to Coronavirus, my date of birth of Coronavirus is 15/16 December 2019.

Today I confirm that the market is ready for a mega rally later in 2020, 2021, and 2022, S&P will achieve 5000, On Monday 23rd March most of the markets will bottom out, and on Tuesday 24 March, most of the Markets will have mega rally due to Mars positive change for markets and rest of other areas.  

Let us pray for everyone in the world, those who are affected directly or indirectly by Coronavirus, God give them strength, we pray for their fast recovery. 

Thanks & GOD BLESS,

22 March 2020 Mahendra Sharma