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Today's Trade & News

President takes oath our prophecy change..Sad news in 28 days because Obama took oath on worng day...small part of newsletter...

Here is Fridays update:

Dear Members,
Today's is day to load up alternative energy stocks, like LDK, USU, YGE, JASO, FSLR, SOLF and ASTI. We are expecting big news during weekend for Wall Street and may be also alternative energy so we can call current period as final opportunity of buying in USA EQUITY TODAY ON WEAKNESS,
Few months back we mentioned that those who like to buy gold, they can buy against Euro, Pound and other currencies as we were drastic fall in currencies and today that prediction proven very accurate. Gold hit almost new high against all currencies except USD and Yen.
We expected metals to remain in positive trend until 26 Jan 2009, and next week Monday is 26 Jan, so expect important news from us in Sundays newsletter.
Dollar still looks very positive BUT SMALL PROFIT BOOKING MAY COME, and we will write more on Dollar in Sundays newsletter.
US treasury bond has been trading as we predicted, This week we predicted that prices may would come to 128.50 and they did today.
Don't always look for free advise, Our newsletter cost is noting against volatility and risk involved in market.
Thanks & God bless
Mahendra Sharma, Friday, 23 JAN, 7.00 AM


Dear Friends,

Today, I am so happy that President Obama has taken oath again on Wednesday evening at White house because we were very much concern about Tuesdays oath as it was negative day and we annouced it that it can bring negative news with in 28 days but now that negativity has changed.


I am happy that astrology is playing key role in few important offices. Here he took oath again on Wednesday.


Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. administers the oath of office to President Barack Obama a second time in the Map Room of the White House January 21


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Thursday 22 Jan 2009


Dear Members,
Last week’s losses in the Bank of America and Citi bank resulted in uncertainty in Wall Street. USA consumers and Wall Streeters are currently fighting against historic uncertainties, but recent readings of financial market charts show that major changes are in the offing, and that these changes will give rise to new trends. The trouble facing the banking and financial system is partly as a result of sub-prime. Speculators are equally responsible because they thought that prices would keep moving up and built their fortunes on air bubbles. This is what speculators did in oil, and we all know how real-estate speculators got burnt. We saw powerful forces in the Arab world and others working against USA interests push up oil prices and eventually killed their own milking cow.

Unfortunately, greed is a dominating influence in human nature, which leads to ignorance and misguided actions. We try to bring awareness to our members, and the most important thing is not how accurate we are in our weekly predictions, but what the future holds for us. I feel that the first part of our newsletter is important because this is where I always write about my projections.

We have to remember that nothing goes in one direction forever and that everything must move up and down. However, some financial instruments trade in one direction for longer periods but also move up and down during short term trends. Stop loss and booking profit at certain prices is therefore very important. For instance, the USD moved up from $72 to $89 and we recommended booking profit around higher prices. The short term trend became weak and prices came down to $78.80, and they are now back to almost $86. Medium term indications will be critical and members should follow them closely in order to make money.

Planetary movement can make the life of investors easy, and many of our members have made lots of money following powerful indications. After studying planetary movement up to the year 2014, indications are that astrology will help us reap fantastic returns during this period. I am however not too sure about 2015 and 2016. We should therefore closely follow planetary movement for the next five years because the astro cycle will be on our side.

Before I start this week newsletter, I would like to remind you to spare something for the needy when you make money. Be kind and generous to your family members and others close to you. One should strive to remain happy because life is precious and no one knows what time they have left. There should therefore be no place for sadness and unhappiness.

One should sit still every morning for ten minutes and quietly contemplate their plan for coming days and months, as this is a key mantra for success. Once again I wish you good luck.

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week will be uncertain days and the astro cycle suggests that one should not take up new positions, whether selling or buying. This is because decisions made during this a time of negative planetary positioning will result in undesirable results, regardless of what side of the trade one is. I have practical experience of the last twenty years about this, and I strongly advise my members to avoid trading on both days. One should reduce position by more than fifty percent if you have a large position.

Financial newsletter for 19 to 23 January 2009

Gold and silver will remain positive for...

There will be...

The three “Cs” will undergo a...


All these...


Ten days back we expected a weak trend in all major stock markets...


Last week bond prices traded as predicted, and the trading range this week will be...

Soybean, bean oil and bean meal...

Last week oil was uncertain and we expect...

Last week currencies traded as predicted. This week the US dollar will...


The newly elected president Barrack Obama will take over office this week on Tuesday, but planetary movements are not positive on Tuesday. This can bring some sad news for the nation in twenty eight days, which is one full zodiac cycle of the Moon. Indications are that the USA will be in mourning in twenty eight days following the departure of an important personality but nothing to worry about Obama as his chart is fine and he will do great job for USA and World at large.



Note: I just predict what I see, and my predictions are not 100% accurate but they always come very close to what I see.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 18 Jan 2009,