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We see victory for Obama and that will be very bullish for financial markets...

We see Obama winning elections


Santa Barbara, CA - From 1982 to 2001, my main job was making global geo-political predictions. Gandhi’s assassination; USA/IRAQ war; fall of Mikhail Gorbachev and the disintegration of the USSR; Nelson Mandela ruling South Africa; Princess Diana’s divorce and then her accidental death; and finally 9/11. 9/11 changed my life as after that event I decided not to predict world events any more.

In 2004 we received many emails asking me to predict the election results. I accepted the request but I failed to predict correctly as (we predicted 50.01 for Kerry and Bush 49.99), I was biased towards John Kerry and the reason was because the decisions made by President Bush were biased and caused so much death in Iraq; families lost their loved ones in a war that was not required. Everyone on this planet including me supported him in the war on terror but the Iraq war was not necessary. Anyways he was re-elected and I paid the price for being biased as the prediction turned out to be wrong. Second wrong prediction was Bill Clinton, I predicted second term victory for him, but I predicted that we won’t able to complete term due to scandal, yes Scandal impeached him but he survived. 

In 2008, we made the prediction of Obama’s victory (it was not difficult to predict this), and now again many are asking for the result of this election and we decided to predict as they will decide the future of Wall-street. We are not worried about USA as a country but surely the election results will change fortunes for investors.

President Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and Governor Mitt Romney born on March 12, 1947, here is the current planetary outlook and how each candidate’s luck will impact the USA financial markets.

ObamaPresident Obama: Currently President Obama is fighting for re-elect as President of USA. He has a very strong chart, and the current planetary position in giving him 70% positive results, as the current Saturn and Jupiter (most powerful planets) are giving him great support and due to both of these planets he may get re-elected. Currently all major media is giving upper hand to Romney but our Astro-outlook is supporting Obama’s charts far better and looks like he will get re-elected as next President of United State of America.

Due to the positive Saturn and Jupiter, under his second term, the stock markets will rise sharply for the next two years. Housing markets will also move up. It is clear that he will be able to perform extremely well in each and every area due to his positive Astro combinations. Due to Libra Saturn and more positive Astro combinations in his chart starting from 15 December 2012 to 27 September 2014, it will be a lucky time period for him and USA. President Obama getting re-elected will confirm S&P reaching 3200 in his next term and the housing markets and job conditions improving sharply. He will win 270+ electoral votes.

RomneyGovernor Romney: He also has great Astro chart with having combinations of Sun, Mercury and Mars in one Astro zodiac house which makes him a very successful person in his life. His chart is more positive in the business area as well as political career but negative Moon may not allow him to take highest position in the country. Moon in Scorpio and currently Saturn is moving from the 12th house of Moon which will give him sudden rises and falls from 2012 to 2019. His Astro chart is turning very negative from 05 November 2012 to 12 November 2019. This Saturn will not allow him to win the election. “If” he wins the elections then he may not be able to complete his term, or he will make many wrong decision and he may be quoted as worst President in the history. “If” he wins then under his term USA will fall economically, socially and politically.

If Governor Romney wins (Chances looks difficult because his current Astro chart is turning negative) then S&P will see 1100, the stock markets will struggle under his term. Commodities will also under perform and the overall scenario won’t remain positive according to his birth chart.

Whatever we have mentioned above is purely based on the Astro chart study. In the above mentioned elections predictions there are no personal feelings, likes or dislikes for any candidate or party. Few months back before IPO we recommended not buying Facebook and predicted stocks would fall more than 50% even though we like Facebook platform and Mark Zuckerberg but road show of Facebook started on Scorpio Moon (most negative in Astro combinations).

As per the Astro combinations we once again predict a victory for president Obama, as we see a great future for USA; a great rise of USA economy and stock markets and the bottoming of the housing markets. Last year we predicted S&P bottoming around 1090 and gold $1530, and we predicted S&P reaching 1463 by Sep 2012 (which already happened), 1600 by 2012 end, and by 2015/16 S&P reaching 3200. So what we see for S&P and commodities fits if Obama wins the election.

We wish both Candidates a good luck.

By Mahendra Sharma, 28 Oct 2012, 8.00 PM Santa Barbara