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Today's Trade & News

Metats, energy, indexes, soft, grains, bond and currencies flashnews is hear of Wednesday.....

Dear Friends,

Our website new look is coming soon, you may not able to read now free stuff what I have been putting on our website on same day as our members are objecting. Anyway, here is today’s flashnews which we sent out on after closing of USA market on Tuesday (we always sent next days flash before Asian market get opens). I am sure this may help you in making few important decisions. Trade safely,

Thanks & God Bless

Here below is today’s flash which we sent yesterday to our members:


Dear Members,

The financial market outlook looks a bit scary at this point. Though our longer term view is very bullish on S&P; the current outlook is not very safe. At this stage, the commodities are most shaky, and dollar looks solid.

The market goes up and down, but there is always a great opportunity to make money and surely, a few different trades may make great amounts of money for you. We will identify them for you in tomorrow’s flashnews.

Normally, we morph our mind in such a way that we remain in the area of our desires. We don’t go out around the world to explore something new. Like those who trade metals, they always remain in metals and won’t see any other market. I highly recommend you to see other opportunities too. Our weekly newsletter and flashnews can guide you on other areas of investment and trading. Likewise, at this stage, one can sell Indian and emerging market ETFs; or you can buy coffee, corn or dollar which look great for shorter and medium terms. When you expose yourself to everything, one may acquire great opportunities. So spread your arms, close your eyes and feel that what will be at this stage; and you can go in to that market. Don’t get emotionally attached to a single market; don’t love or hate anything because you are here to make money.

Wednesday’s trading range of all major markets


Once again I will force you to read full statement of metal sections of last four days: This is what we mentioned on Wednesday of last week: In yesterday’s update I clearly indicated that all is not well in metals Astro chart, yesterday I was too concern about metals trend from Thursday to next week Wednesday. I am still concern as metals Astro chart will remain uncertain and negative until coming Wednesday. I highly recommend that buy metals on this Wednesday rather than taking risk at current level or on current fall.

Avoid all metals, those who are holding big position should watch our stop-loss level which I mentioned yesterday and get in back on next Wednesday, as metals can have mini crash.

This is what I mentioned on Monday after market: We liked Monday’s actions in metals, but I am not in hurry to tell you buy on Tuesday because I want to follow what I mentioned last week of buying this Wednesday on weakness at later in day.

Plan to buy gold and silver on mid-Wednesday or on opening of USA market on Thursday

If gold and silver doesn’t go up on Thursday and Friday then surely you should forget about getting into trade at least for the next two and half months. I am still 100% confidence that gold and silver will move up from late Wednesday and Thursday.

I strongly recommend don’t rush to buy metals, but surely those who are short in metals can cover position around 1600, and sell back on higher side predicted range which mentioned below here. Gold and silver has to close positive on Wednesday and Thursday to give us confidence buy for the next three weeks, If they fail to rise then I will say, remove money from metals and puts somewhere else.

Here is Wednesday’s range:

GOLD: $1607.25 to $1583.80

SILVER: $29.38 TO $28.62

COPPER: $363.75 TO $373.95

PALLADIUM: $615.0 TO $638.80

PLATINUM: $1497 TO $1517



Soft commodities are trading lower as predicted; I will highly recommend to acquire some position in coffee on Wednesday. You must have coffee in your holding position before market closes on Wednesday as Thursday can bring positive momentum.  Cotton also looks great at this stage, but avoid other soft commodities.

Sugar traded weaker as predicted, it fell sharply more than three and half percent. Orange juice crashed to new lows and cocoa remained sideways.

Wednesday’s trading range, all July contract:

COFFEE: $174.05 TO $176.95

COTTON: $85.88 TO $87.30

COCOA: $2260 TO $2345

SUGAR: $20.61 TO $19.95

ORNAGE JUICE:  $118.10 TO $112.30



This is what we mentioned yesterday: Huge corrections came in all major indexes on Monday during electronic session. They all recovered on hope that Mr. Hollande (newly elected France President) may change his tone on EU stand but we think within three months France and Germany will walk on different path so big rift and EU we see. Once again we confirm that EURO is ready to trade below par value against USD in coming time.

We won’t recommend going into stocks on Tuesday. As still our views on indexes are not positive until Wednesday.

I highly recommend avoid buying stocks in Asia and Europe. You can sell Asian and European markets and hedge with buying quality stocks in USA, as USA is our favorite.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

AUSTRALIAN (Spot) – 4387 to 4335

NIKKEI – 9148 TO 9055

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5091 TO 5148

SINGAP0RE (Spot) – 2929.7 TO 2920.50

HONG KONG (Spot May) – 20350 to 20078

CAC – 3132 TO 3045

DAX – 6518 TO 6401

FTSE – 5607 TO 5511

S&P – 1366.75 TO 1345.50

NASDAQ – 2645.5 TO 2591

RUSSELL – 793.75 TO 777.75

DOW – 12977 TO 12762



This is what we mentioned yesterday: Corn, wheat and rice remained sideways but soy, oat and meal traded weaker. Stay away from grains.

Yes corn and rice closed positive but soy fell around $30, and soy meal more around 2.5%. I must say that our theory is working great in flashnews, I think most of trend what we write in flash come out with very high accuracy.

Here is day trading range for Wednesday:

CORN: $616.75 TO $635.25

WHEAT: $605.25 TO $620.5

RICE: $15.19 TO $15.39

SOY: $1448.25 TO $1421.75

SOY MEAL: $412.1 TO $420.10

SOY OIL: 53.65 TO $53.05



This is what we mentioned two days back: Avoid oil trading as ready to tank or ready to trade below $100, natural gas moved up sharply on Thursday. Outlook is positive for gas, buy gas and sell oil, and this will be great hedging trade.

Oil has been trading weaker, it came down from 106.80 to $94 during last five trading sessions. On higher side one should keep selling oil as our medium term target for oil is $78.80.

Today natural gas moved up sharply from $2.24 to $2.45, this was huge move. We are back on track with gas predictions. Last month we recommended buying gas around $1.95 as we saw life time opportunity and that proven very accurate, yes we were wrong for quite some time in gas from Feb to Mid April.

Wednesday’s trading range for energy June contracts:

OIL: $98.08 to 95.55 June contract, (sell oil)

NATURAL GAS: $2.33 to $2.51 June contract

TREASURY BOND – 143-17 TO 145-00



This is what we mentioned for dollar indexes in Tuesdays flashnews: Buy dollar indexes on any weakness. Currently dollar index is trading around 79.63, and in worst case scenario it can go to 79.40 so down side is very limited.

I would like to recommend buying US dollar because our shorter, medium and longer term Astro/wave of nature outlooks is most favorable for US Dollar and US dollar assets.

Dollar moved up sharply against all major currencies on Tuesday, we see dollar remaining in positive directions from here and entering into longer term bull market after 12 years.

Wednesday’s trading range is here:

DOLLAR INDEX – 79.70 to 80.25 (buy at lower levels)

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0118 to 1.0017

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.0052 to 0.9961

BRITISH POUND – 1.6192 to 1.6075

EURO – 1.3050 to 1.2929

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2559 to 1.2498 (sell at higher level)

SWISS FRANC – 1.0868 to 1.0782

RUPPEE – 52.88 TO 53.45

RAND – 7.85 to 7.96

This is what we said yesterday and same we holding for today’s recommendations. Best trade of Tuesday, this week and this month is dollar (your money to move in USD INDEX)

Important: I am sure most of you like our newsletter and flashnews services, but I will advise you to give more attentions to daily flashnews service in your trading decisions. I am not trying to say here that you give important to my services, and neither am I promoting this here, but as a trader, if I am following my flashnews advice, surely I will rate very high (in my opinion, of course). Please take this service more seriously.

If any markets start trading below the predicted range, it means they are in weaknesses, or if any market is higher than predicted range mean more strength is on the way. We have noticed that predicted trading ranges get fulfilled normally eight out of ten times. Our daily flashnews is purely based on the “Moon wave”, same as high tides and low tides points of sea.

I will be increasing flashnews service charge from $151 to $250 from the next week, so those who like to renew or extend should do it before any time from today but before this week-end.

I mentioned about Indian market, yes it looks scary. This week newsletter may long one (I already started writing it) as I want cover most of area.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Tuesday  4.30 PM, 7 May 2012 Santa Barbara