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Today's Trade & News

Major volatility and uncertainity back in Wall-street...

Dear Members,

All major markets are crashing, this is due to fear of slowdown in growth. Positive outcome has not helped market or investors. One chapter of USA debt limit issue has shorted but another big one is still pending in Europe because I see few of countries will go bankrupt and this can put huge pressure on all markets. Our longer term target on Dow is 32000, so keep buy Dow on weakness.

Since last one month we have been constantly recommending to avoid investment in stocks market as best time is coming from September and this prediction is proving very accurate so far. To date this year Russia is top best performing market after USA. Emerging and Europe market lost big value during this year and they will keep performing weaker compare to USA.

Bankrupt of few European countries will put huge pressure on European and world market.  I strongly recommend avoid even single dollar investment in Europe and in Euro.

There are chances that rating agencies will down grade USA rating in the next one month.

IMF may announce growth cut of USA and world.

Precious Metals are trading positive on uncertainty of world markets. In this week newsletter we predicted that Monday and Tuesday metals would trade positive and they did, now mix time is starting from tomorrow (Wednesday) but major fall will come from middle of next week. Sell Gold around $1665 and silver $40.98 as commodities will start falling like 2008, if you remember in 2008 gold performed positive on negative news of banks and stock market but eventually it collapsed very hard and metals investors lose huge money in metals and metal stocks as gold and silver stocks lost almost 80% value. So don’t buy this story of buying gold in uncertainty because in market when you lose in other area, you also start selling you profit bets.

Base metals will trade negative so avoid any position in base metals. Sell copper, platinum and Palladium.

This week we recommended in our weekly newsletter of selling oil around $98.10 and our downside target of oil was $91.70 and that should fulfill soon.

Grains moved up sharply, but they are in danger zone as still positive time has not started so sell position if you have any or one can take sell position on Wednesday.

Treasury bond already fulfilled this week predicted target of 1.30, one can hold long position in bond.

Dollar is performing extremely well against all major currencies except Swiss Franc. Cover shorts in Pound as pound may perform stable. Yen and Swiss put options will be great buy, target 1.20 on both and our target is they can reach 1.10 even in the next six months. Euro looks in very danger zone, and dollar looks very stable and rock solid. Currently both (Swiss Franc and Yen) are trading around 1.3000 plus, and this life time opportunity to sell. 

Trade carefully, as markets are very volatile. Metals will fall sharply from Monday of next week and crash will start from Wednesday of next week like stock markets. I know current tone and sentiments are very bullish for metals but our astro indicators are very negative from next week so I warn metals buyer or traders to stay away from current rising prices and don’t buy on any weakness. Get out from metal stocks as they will also fall sharply.

Best for Wednesday: Sell Yen at 1.3012, Swiss Franc 1.3007 and Soy bean $1382, target Yen 1.2812, Franc 1.2750 and bean $1369, these are only short term trades. Subscribe to read full version of newsletter and flashnews


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Tuesday 3.28 PM Santa barbara