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Today's Trade & News

Here is this month Uranium & alternative monthly letter..

Dear Members,

Here is this month Uranium & Alternative energy monthly report from 1-30 September 2014. I will be adding one more year in my age, I will be completing 47. 

Our recommended solar stocks are already on big move in the last 48 hours since we recommended.

Here is PDF file of Uranium & Alternative energy letter from 1-30 September.

Offer ending soon: We announced a 33% discount on each service which means that for whatever period you subscribe you will get 33% extra time on that subscription.

For example: If you subscribe 3 months service then you will get 1 month services for free. If you subscribe for one year then you will get four months subscription for free so total you will get 16 months services. 


Subscribe One month

You will get extra 10 days

Total you will get 40 days

Subscription Three month

You will get extra 1 Month

Total you will get 4 months

Subscription Six month

You will get extra 2 Months

Total you will get 8 months

Subscription One Year

You will get extra 4 Months

Total you will get 16 months

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma