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First part of weekly newsletter is was one important one so I decided to share...

Dear Members,

I feel that last week newsletter was important one so I decided to share first part of newsletter with you….

Weekly Newsletter from 21-25 June    

FED shakeup commodity market and currencies, frontline tech stocks are our favorite…


Dear Members,   

Last week proved to be one of the most horrible weeks for commodities and the best week for the USD. Our prediction about precious metals proved wrong, as they traded sharply lower on a positive astro day which is surely a negative sign, and they should now trade positively on a negative astro to day to win over the negative astro combination. I will blame Cancer Mars as it is the most dangerous planetary combination when it comes into the financial market, because it brings so much volatility that everyone get hit with uncertainty.

Mars in cancer created a short panic situation in Metals three times in the last twenty years because it was overruling the other planetary positions. Mars gets rare chances to win over the other major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, North, and South Node but whenever it does it creates a tsunami kind of effect. I was only 1% worried about last week and the 1% chances of metals trading negatively proven 100% accurate. I was nervous when metals started trading negatively in the Asian trading hours on Thursday.

The FED meeting has done damage to the commodity market, except for Oil as Mars is playing a supportive role for the energy market. There were certain commodities like Lumber, soy oil, soy bean, iron ore, palladium, and copper were trading around historic highs and they all collapsed, except for Iron Ore because Saturn and the North Node plays a role with Iron Ore and still they want to support it a bit but once they lose grip then iron ore can also collapse. 

On the other hand USD started trading sharply higher but we should remember that there no major bull or bear market expected in USD and most of the other currencies for the medium to longer term, or for the next 18 months. We don’t see USD going below 89.38 which we have been predicting for the last one year, and on the higher side it won’t able to go above 95.75, so keep these levels in mind as they are extreme levels.

Metals trend: Last week’s positive Astro days failed to push silver higher which means that negative forces have overruled positivity. Also, many times I have seen that market’s external forces can push any financial instrument (commodities, stocks, currencies) in a surprising direction for the short term, but once these external extreme trends end, that same financial instrument comes back on the defined predicted path. These external forces are temporary and only last for a few days or weeks, they don’t last for the longer period and my short-term predictions often turn wrong because of these forces. For example, if everyone starts to sell at the same time, then the trend will go against the astro combination; however the overall defined path remains the same so that financial instruments will come back on path and will follow natures forces.

Last year in February and March when the pandemic was creating havoc in world and the markets were collapsing, most of the investors told me; Mahendra it is the end of your bull market prediction because this market won’t recover for many years. I simply replied stating that, I still see S&P going towards 3800 to 4200 by end of 2020, when it was trading at 2400. I use same example of extreme forces, and said that they don’t have the power to change the overall path. Yes, they can have an impact for the short term few days or for the few weeks. My astro theory has worked so well in the last 30 years, and that is the reason I don’t listen to the noise of the market, I simply predict what I see.

Last week China’s announcement of curbing commodity prices, Fed announcement rate hike in 2023 and big funds selling; all these were external forces that pushed commodities down. One thing we have understand is that our higher side level was achieved in grains three weeks ago and we had already recommended closing all longs in grains. We predicted oil to achieve $72.88 which almost got achieved. Three weeks ago we recommended selling base metals as they had also achieved our predicted higher side prices. We made the same prediction in softs as we saw weakness in the rest of commodities except for Silver. Silver fell because of gold and the rest of the commodities, but it will stand up and create history. No human power, money power, political power, or other external forces were able to stop our following predictions: In September 2001 we predicted gold going towards $1800, silver $50, oil $145; in 2008 we predicted the worst crash in the global equity market; in Feb 2009 we predicted a great bull era to start in equities; and in March 2020 again we said that the Pandemic won’t be able to end the bull era. So how can anyone stop silver from going to $50 to $75 or even higher!

Our view is extremely bullish for silver as it can adopt one of the finest bull markets ever seen. We believe that silver may test $39.38 this year, and the next target may be $50 or even $75. We also believe that this bull market will be so aggressive that short sellers will wipe out their wealth so I will not recommend silver shorting at any price once it bottoms out. It may take one month to bottom out. Watch the next three levels for silver; the first one is $25.51, second one is $25.32 which is one of the most important astro support levels and Silver may not close below this level for more than three days. The third one is $21.25, and we don’t see Silver going to this level in a few years or even in several years so for those who are buying silver in physical form these are great levels to acquire silver.

We already mentioned that gold will underperform against silver. The first important level is $1745, and after that $1698. We may not see Gold going below $1500 in the next many years.

Platinum still will trade in range and bounce around so no major bull market is expected in platinum. It has been trading in the predicted range for the last one decade.

Palladium failed to move above $2878, which confirms that it will trade in a bear market from here onwards.

Copper, zinc, and nickel will trade far batter, and they have great prospect to move further higher. Lately we have been predicting that Copper will fail to move above $487, and it tested that level and came down sharply. We expect it to test $411 and $375 which are the two immediate important support levels. Zinc and Nickel will remain in a the positive direction, though they will follow the other metals in the short term.

Our focus will be on Silver and we shall keep a close watch on it. Acquire Silver ETF’s and mining stocks as this is one of best investment opportunities that is on the way.

Stocks are also our favorite trades as the risk is low and if you pick up good stocks, and your wealth can keep growing. I feel that I have been very lucky in finding great stocks for you in the last 10 years because 95 out of 100 stocks moved in many folds, and I am sure you must have gained handsomely. We still see that many tech stocks can easily double in the next one year. Frontline mega tech stocks could be one of the best pick’s for steady growth in your portfolio because these stocks will keep moving higher. We still see S&P going towards 7500 and NASDAQ towards 32000 in the coming two years.

Another good area to invest is the battery area, or in Lithium, battery, cobalt, and graphite stocks, as many of these mining stocks will move ten to fifty folds in the next ten years. Still great mining book and hyper inflation cycle is pending. This year inflation was nothing if I try to compare it to the coming time. Commodities will become very expansive and that is the reason prices of everything from semiconductor to housing, to vehicles, every thing will move higher. The service industry will remain competitive but growth in the other areas will continue. An increased amount of tech experts will be required as the world is going towards 100% tech based so prepare for that.

When I am talking about higher or hyperinflation cycle, it won’t be in every commodity, but surely natural resources or mining areas will keep developing and mining books will become huge as there will be a massive investment rush in the mining area in the coming time. There will be a race to acquire mines and minerals, so a great era for these investors is on the way. So far the mining business is very tough and risky due to its nature, operating costs, and price fluctuation of commodities. People also don’t have much patience to wait for the longer term but things will change. Over the next seven-years the mining industry will have boom so invest heavily in this area because metals and mineral will become very expensive.

Keep following our weekly and daily Flashnews and I am sure our services may be able to keep giving you a glimpse of the future.

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Thanks & God Bess

Mahendra Sharma