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Today's Trade & News

Covid-19 stocks are on is ready for $2000? watch stock market and oil trend closely from today...

Dear Members,

Covid-19 stocks are making move and many of they are very under value. I already stated many times that whichever company comes out first with Vaccine that stock will move in 20 to 30 folds so don’t miss buying opportunity. Yesterday INO and TBIO moved more than 45%, and still lot is pending. NVAX already moved ten folds. Many other Covid-19 stocks are performing well but still real deal is on the way.

From 2019 March we have recommending buying gold, this done well but not from this week we recommended buying aggressive positions in Gold, we expected gold to move $1778 which may push gold toward all-time high. Buy some call options in gold and silver. Read our weekly newsletter carefully. 

Monday and Tuesday we expected positive trend in market but Wednesday selling pressure expected so trade accordingly but still bull is not dead to keep this in mind for this week. Biotech stocks and watch LABU carefully and interesting time cycle may start for LABU.

Higher side most of currencies will be great sell, We recommended selling oil on Tuesday and Wednesday, watch carefully.

Must read todays stock report or Daily Flashnews for Covid-19 list and market strategy.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma