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Today's Trade & News

Buy these stocks in the USA and Indian markets, and also take trade in the following commodities and markets…

Dear Members,

Thursday precious metals moved higher as predicted. In our weekly and daily letters, we recommend buying precious metals and carrying them long for next week, so we are recommending buying precious metals around the lower sides on Friday. We see some bad news from the Middle East during the weekend.

Book profit in indexes around the higher sides in Indexes as next week Monday could bring some uncertainty in the market.

The market gained big value on Thursday as predicted in weekly and daily newsletters. AMZN was our top pick and recommended avoiding Apple.

Today we are recommending buying SYM, for the last three months, we have been recommending accumulating SYM around $40.00. This is also one of our top picks for 2024 in the “2024 Financial Predictions” book. SYM Earnings will be out next week, stock is ready to move a higher minimum of 20%. Buy SYM for the longer term with a price target of three digits in 2024.

Those who invest in India: Buy MMTC, Andrew Yule, NMDC, INFIBEAM Avenue, and Latent View.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma