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Today's Trade & News

A new Trump era will begin next week! The 13-17 Jan weekly newsletter is here. So far, 2025 book predictions have started coming true…

Dear Members,

I won’t be able to release the complete weekly newsletter, but we're including some parts of it here that may help you make some important trading decisions.

We are publishing a small section of each market from our this week's weekly newsletter from 13-17 January 2025:

Weekly Newsletter from 13-17 Jan 2025

The 2025 Financial Predictions book is out; I am more worried about the currency market…


Dear Members,

First, I would like to start this letter by thanking nature as it allowed me to complete our book, ‘2025 Financial Predictions’; it is out and available for purchase. As usual, I think this is the best book I have ever written so far, and our members will be very excited and keen on reading what we are predicting for 2025. I hope that this book will help you make the right investment decisions and may bring you great success. You can take advantage of and trade based on the predictions in the book. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Now, let’s get back to the weekly newsletter. Last week was very negative for the US markets as all three major indexes lost significant value throughout the week in a nonstop negative trend. The NASDAQ moved almost 3.5% lower throughout the week, which was a substantial negative move. The S&P, DOW, and Russell 2000 all moved the same as the NASDAQ, and it was a very rough start to the year. Of course,

On the other hand it ended up being a very positive week for the metals market as gold and silver moved higher throughout the week without closing in the red on a single day. We have expected gold to trade positively throughout the week, and I am sure our members must be very happy with this prediction. Silver traded similarly to gold, gaining value throughout the week, albeit more steadily, and did not make as big of a percentage move as gold did. Base metals also traded very positively, gaining value throughout the week.

Last week was a very negative week for the currency market as the Dollar dominated the currency trend and remained the best-performing currency throughout the week. It lost value on the first day of trading, but then after that, it moved higher in a non-stop trend, closing at a new high. In contrast, the rest of the commodities struggled to move higher, and we highly recommend reading the currency section of our book very closely as we may be entering a new era.

It was a mixed to-positive week for the energy market as Oil, Heating Oil, and RB gas traded in a sideways trend throughout the week, but then, during the second half of the week, we saw energy prices move substantially higher, which was expected. Natural gas also traded in a mixed trading patter during the first half of the week, but then during the second half it moved higher in an almost non-stop move.

Last week was a mixed week for the grains market as all the grains traded in a sideways trend for most of the week, except for Friday when Corn, Soybean, and Soy oil moved significantly higher. Soy meal and Wheat failed to perform even on the last day of the week, and closed the week close to par.

Last week was a sideways to negative week for the softs market as coffee traded in a mixed trend of most of the week, closing higher on the last day of trading. Sugar traded in a negative trend and lost value throughout the week. Cotton also traded in a sideways trend and lost significant value on Friday. It was a very negative week for cocoa as predicted, as we saw cocoa losing substantial value throughout the week. It gained value on the 8th but gave away all those gains by the end of the week.

Bond prices traded very negatively last week. We saw bonds lose value throughout the week, move lower on all days, and close the week at a low of 111-22. Now, the bond market is ready to rebound as a new cycle is starting.

Let’s see what this week’s Astro combinations indicate.

Weekly newsletter from the 13th to the 17th of January 2025:


Last week was a very positive week for the metals market as all the metals moved significantly higher throughout the week. Precious metals Gold, and Silver, and base metals all moved higher throughout the week as the metals market traded very positively. We had predicted that it would be a very positive week for the metals market, and I am sure those who took trades in gold, silver, or in base metals must have done very well with their trades.

This week is once again a very positive week for the metals market, except for Monday when we may see the metals consolidating a little, the rest of the week is astrologically a positive week for the metals market. We may see silver starting to take the lead, especially during the middle of the week, and then gold will once again be the top performer for the rest of the week. Base metals will trade in a slightly mixed trend this week as the astro combinations are not supportive, nor are they negative. We may see base metals following precious metals trend, but precious metals will be the best metals trade of the week.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, precious metals may consolidate on the higher side, but any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Tuesday, very positive day for metals, silver will remain the best performer so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Wednesday, metals will continue to trade well, any correction should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Thursday, gold will start trading well, so keep your trades in metals.

On Friday, metals will continue to trade positively so hold positions, one can close them at the end of the day.

Focus on silver, as more action is expected in silver this week, don’t short silver.



Last week was a very negative week for the markets as all four of the major indexes, S&P, NASDAQ, DOW, and Russell 2000, lost significant value from the higher side. The NASDAQ lost more than 3% through the week as it was a corrective week for the market. The market traded negatively on positive astro days last week, which is not a very positive sign. However, we had predicted that volatility might come and that the market would make sudden aggressive moves, which was seen last week.

Last week on Friday, we also had the job reports that were released, and it became very clear how strong the US economy is doing as analysts’ expectations on job numbers were blown out of the water when more jobs were added than the market had anticipated. This caused a selloff in the market as the street felt that a robust economy meant that the FED would not cut rates any further and that a higher rate environment would continue. While this is a reasonable assumption, and the FED statement has also aligned with this, we do not believe that it is a negative sign. In fact, the US economy is stronger than ever even with higher interest rates, so any lower side move in the market should be taken as a buying opportunity.

This week is a positive week for the markets, except for on Monday, when we may see the markets trade in a consolidatory pattern. This is also going to be an important week in terms as data as on Tuesday, we have the PPI data; on Wednesday, we have the CCI data, on Thursday, there will be the Jobless claims numbers, as well as manufacturing data, so the market will trade in a data-dependent way this week. However, we will see the market trading more positively throughout the week, and though there may be volatility in the data announcement, the market will recover value, so traders must keep this in mind. As per our book, we are running into an uncertain cycle, so buy the market only on any sharp weakness.  

Cloud stocks were our best week 14 years back. When people told me Mahendra Cloud stocks wouldn’t work, I thought there was no need, but now the tech world and smart investors understand how important cloud transitions are.

DATA centers are bigger than AI; AI is an application, but building data is the biggest technological revolution. I recommend focusing on data center stocks or companies that work with data centers. You must read our carefully and let people know about it but share predictions. I will be more active from next week once Trump takes the oath.

Yes, the market is ready to rebound. We are in an uncertain cycle that will end in the next few days or in one week. Technology stocks are witnessing healthy profit booking and selling pressure.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, the markets will trade in a mixed-to-sideways trend; tech stocks will start bottoming out around the lower side.

The market will trade positively on Tuesday, so any lower-side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

The positive trend in the market will continue on Wednesday, so any lower-side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

The positive trend in the market will continue on Thursday. We may see some volatility after the data, but any lower-side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Friday, the market will continue to trade in a positive trend.



Last week was not a very positive week for the currency market. We saw the Dollar losing value on Monday, while the rest of the frontline currencies traded positively, but then for the rest of the week, the dollar had a turnaround, and it moved to a new high, almost trading up to the 110.18 level. The rest of the currencies traded in a negative trend for the rest of the week. The jobs data did not help the rest of the currencies, as strong numbers pushed the dollar sharply higher, while the rest of the currencies moved sharply lower.

This week will also be a very data-dependent week, and we see the dollar continuing to remain strong throughout the week. We are not recommending taking any positions in the rest of the currencies as they will lose value against the dollar. The dollar will have a higher side astro resistance at 110.18, but if it closes above this level and trades there for more than three days, then we may see the dollar moving to an all-time high.

Most of the currencies collapsed from the higher side astro resistance levels, and now they are trying to find the bottom, but overall, the astro cycle looks so supportive for USD in the longer term that I am worried. I am sure most of you must have read the Currency sections of the book very carefully. 

On Monday, the metals market will trade in a mixed trend, so we recommend trading in and out. We may see the dollar consolidating around the higher side, while the rest of the currencies consolidate around the lower level. Remain a short-term trader in the currency market. Don’t buy any emerging market and commodity currencies. Also, frontline currencies should be on your selling list; we are in the first cycle of 2025.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, the dollar will consolidate around the higher side. Trade in and out in the currency market by following the astro levels mentioned below.

On Tuesday, the currency market may lose some value and we see the dollar gaining value from the lower side so buying is recommended.

On Wednesday, the dollar will continue to remain strong so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Thursday, the dollar will continue to trade positively, so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Friday, the same trend as Thursday will continue, stay a net buyer in the dollar.



Last week, the energy market traded very positively, and it remained one of the best-performing commodities of the week. We saw some mixed trading on Monday as energy prices traded on both sides. They gained value on Tuesday but then gave away those gains on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, energy prices traded in a very positive trend, moving significantly higher, and then, towards the end of the week, some profit booking was witnessed around the higher side.

Natural gas had a very positive week, moving higher on Monday and losing value on Tuesday, but then from Wednesday onwards, it moved higher in an almost one-sided trend. Natural Gas gained over 12% value during the week which was a very positive sign for gas.

This week is not so positive for the energy market, so those who were holding long positions last week can close those positions. It will be better to trade in and out rather than take positional trades. We may see oil prices trading slightly positively on Tuesday and Wednesday, but during the rest of the week, we see them trading in a mixed to sideways trend. Natural Gas will also consolidate during this week around the higher side.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, energy prices will trade in a sideways trend so we recommend remaining on the sidelines or trading in and out. Gas prices will trade slightly positively but will consolidate around the higher side.

On Tuesday, energy prices will trade positively, so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity on a day basis. Stay away from gas.

On Wednesday, the same trend as Tuesday will continue.

On Thursday, energy prices will lose value, so any higher side move should be taken as a selling opportunity.

On Friday, the same trend as Thursday will continue so any higher side move should be taken as a selling opportunity.



Last week was a mixed week for the grains market, as the overall performance varied significantly across the different grains. Throughout most of the week, all the grains traded in a sideways pattern, having limited movement in either direction. However, Friday brought some notable action, with Corn, Soybeans, and Soy Oil experiencing a significant upward movement, a positive move after the otherwise stagnant trend seen earlier in the week. In contrast, Soy Meal and Wheat failed to trade with the momentum seen in other grains, even on Friday.

This week is a mixed to positive week for the grains market and we may see the grains gaining some value from the middle of the week, so we will recommend remaining a day traders for the first half of the week, or longer term players can accumulate positions around the lower side on Monday and Tuesday, as from Wednesday onwards we see the grains trading positively, especially corn and soybean. Soybean products will trade in a mixed trend alongside wheat.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, grains will trade in a mixed to negative trend.

On Tuesday, the mixed to negative trend will continue in the grains market.

On Wednesday, grains will fail to move higher, and they will trade in a sideways trend in coming days.

On Thursday, grains will trade positively so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.

On Friday, the positive trend will continue so any lower side move should be taken as a buying opportunity.



Last week was a sideways to negative week for the softs market. Coffee traded in a mixed trend for most of the week but managed to close higher on the last trading day. Sugar followed a negative trend, losing value steadily throughout the week. Cotton also moved sideways for most of the week but suffered a significant loss on Friday. Cocoa had a particularly negative week, as expected, losing substantial value throughout. While it did gain some ground during the middle of the week, opening the gap up, those gains were completely erased by the end of the week.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, softs will trade mixed.

On Tuesday, the weakness will be in softs.

On Wednesday, selling pressure will be witnessed.

On Thursday, once again, buying will come in coffee. Sugar and cotton will bottom out.

On Friday, hold it in coffee, sugar, and cotton. Short cocoa and Orange Juice.


THIRTY YEAR BOND week was a very negative week for the bond market as it moved lower throughout the week, and it is now trading close to our lower side support level of 110-00. Our outlook for the bond market is very positive, however we must remember that the higher rate environment does not help, and strong economic data has been working against the bonds so far as people believe that interest rates will not be reduced. Our outlook is a little different. The strengthening of the US economy will bring more attention back to the bonds and we see them being one of the better trades of the year as once they start gaining traction, they will gain value in a nonstop trend.

Here is what this week’s Astro combinations indicate:

On Monday, bonds will trade mixed.

On Tuesday, one can start buying.

On Wednesday, add more long positions on weakness.

On Thursday, aggressive buying is recommended. 

On Friday, build more long positions as cycle is changing. 



Last week, Crypto traded mixed. Lower-side buying is recommended. As predicted, Crypto won’t trade below the $88000 level, but the second cycle will be a tough cycle for Crypto, so any sharp rise should be taken as a buying opportunity in Bitcoin and crypto from next week. This week, a still supportive trend is expected.

On Monday, crypto will trade mixed, but from Tuesday onward, buying will return, and Bitcoin will move above $ 100,000 again. Next weekend, we are recommending selling or closing in crypto.

Must-read crypto sections in our 2025 book.

If you have more than $100000 in trading or investment accounts, then you must buy the “2025 Financial Predictions” book; the book tells you what will happen each month in every market; no other theory on the planet can tell you that. We also provide trading ranges for whole year. If you have already bought the book, and if you liked it, then you must spread the word in the financial community. That will be a great help as I put my heart and soul into each book.  

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma