How can financial astrology help trading stocks, commodities, bond and currency?

Astrology goes beyond predicting one’s future. Astrology is applied in different fields including finance. Financial astrology can help to predict stock markets by identifying and analyzing the planetary movements and interpret their movements with the stock market’s ups and downs.

Monitoring the planetary movements is astrological science. The study is done well in advance before a stock market trading event. The use of financial astrology to predict stock market trends and wins is not an easy task. Financial Astrology is constructed with formulas and astronomical signs to predict the chances of winning or losing in trading stock markets.

If, a person wants to increase the chances of winning by trading stock markets then getting the guidance of a renowned financial astrologer is advisable. Most of the financial astrology predictions based on one’s horoscope are general. The interpretation of one’s horoscope and how it will influence the up and down (bullish and bearish) movements of trade is quite challenging.

Financial astrology charts, though is implied to the company, can also be predicted for individuals to help to trade stock markets. Moving further, a transit which is the aspect of planetary movements can be helpful to predict extra-ordinary future trading events. The most interesting thing about financial astrology for trading stock markets is the time of opening of the stock, it’s the first day of trading and the headquarters of the company are considered the birth time, birthday and birthplace respectively. This is something very interesting, which is similar to personal horoscope predictions.

According to top financial astrologer – the Planetary Stock Trading, techniques used for predictions are as follows:

  • Midpoints
  • Progressions & Directions
  • Cycle of Saturn
  • Transits (bullish and bearish)
  • Stations & Eclipses
  • Progressions and directions
  • Occupation of mutable signs

Pieces of advice for help trading stock markets with financial astrology is that

  1. A person must select only a small group of stocks.
  2. A person must select a horoscope that matches personal horoscope.
  3. A person must understand the relative strength concept.
  4. Trading with the trend is the friend.
  5. Different stocks have different characteristics.
  6. Use technical analysis to confirm the selection.

Traders can predict the climate of trading with the help of financial astrology. With this, a person can choose the right time to invest and get profits. Financial astrology can help to choose which stock to invest in. In addition, what strategy can be used for trading also depends upon financial astrology.

Financial astrology can help trading stock markets and gives an additional factor to analyze before diving into any trade. is currently one of the most widely subscribed financial astrology website with followers from more than 100 countries.

Mahendra Sharma

For over 30 years, Mahendra Sharma has been accurately predicting and has proven himself to be a stock market astrologer. Mahendra’s predictions consistently outperform stock market prediction software. His successful predictions have spanned the globes, ranging from correctly identifying and stock market trends, upswing in uranium prices, weather reports to support grain growth in Australia and South America, the European debt crisis, as well as the rise in the Swiss Franc and the Yen.